Peter Csonka
Date of birth: 29. january 1985
Place of birth: Bratislava, Slovensko
Career: from 12th year
Start of the kayak freestyle career: 2000
status: married to Nina Csonková
Best results
3 time 2.nd place on the World championships
2 time place overall World cup
2.nd place overall World cup
European champion
rd European championships
5 time Euro cup winner
11 time Slovak champion
Nina Csonkova
Date of birth: 30. november 1985
Place of birth: Martin, Slovensko
Career: from 18th year
Start of the kayak freestyle career: 2004
status: married to Peter Csonka
Best results
4.nd place on the World championships place overall World cup
3.nd place overall World cup
2. nd European championship
rd European championships
6 time Euro cup winner
6 time Slovak champion