
Another spot in TV

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 28 '07 / 5 Comments

HiIn TV JOJ was an another spot in the main news , cool check it out !!!But unfortunately only in Slovak here when you want to see this movie clipThanks TV JOJsee youPeter

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White water course Cunovo - already running

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 26 '07 / 5 Comments

HeyOur white water course is running already. Now is running only the hole because of the gates.Here are some pictures from the training. Today is Nina sick than I am paddling alone :( The course is not the best place on the world for playing , but its only only one place witch we have. See you on the river.photographer : Nina Halasova

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Lyon training - movie

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 21 '07 / 5 Comments

HiHere is a new movie from lyon.Paddlers : Peter Csonka , Honza Spindler , Pavel Faustust , Maruska Poduskova,Tyler Curtisenjoy the movie>>>

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Expedicia Uganda Biely Nil aj v tv JOJ

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 20 '07 / 5 Comments

Nazdar,Tak konečne odvysielali na Tv JOJ náš trip do Ugandy na Biely Níl. Vyhradili nám celkom dosť času v črepinách tak dúfam , že sa Vám to bude páčiť.TV JOJ týmto veľmi pekne ďakujeme.Hi,finally they play a reportage in our Slovakian TV JOJ from the trip Uganda White Nile.Thank you very much.

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Lyon training before the worlds

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 18 '07 / 5 Comments

Hi.Me , Jan Spindler , Zdenek Spindler , Pilka and Maruska Poduskova are already back from Lyon.The water levels was great , like from 1m to I don't know 0.5m but still working.After 1 week of hard training I am lucky that we are home.Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for the movie clip. me working on the pistol flip Jan - pan am Maruska in the middle of the wave Pilka - no comments The background of the wave Tyler Curtis - huge clean blunt me - Calli roll And that is all thank you for watching .…

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This is a mail from Jano Rusnak-Uganda

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 4 '07 / 5 Comments

JANO RUSNAK WROTE>>>>>Hi, How are you doing? I’m doing very Ok as they would say around here. I left for Africa few weeks ago, and I’m writing already (you know I’m not that good in keeping in touch, sorry for that – I’m trying to get better). For those, who I did not manage to update with the fact I’m traveling to Africa - let me update you little bit. After finishing work on the Romanian project, I took short break from my work at CEEN for couple of months and I’m currently working on a small project for a…

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