

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 31 '12 / 5 Comments

After the European Championships we took a break. Peter needed to recover and I just needed a break to gain new energy. I decided not to participate in the competition in Wildalpen, because it was just a week after Lienz and Peter wasn´t able to paddle. The next weekend a white water festival in Cunovo took place, in our local water course. One part of it was a freestyle event which we organized. Peter didn’t compete so he had time to organize the event. We figured out a special rule for this event to have more fun. It was a small competition but with very good…

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Festival divokej vody

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 5 '12 / 5 Comments

Prečo prísť:Všetci súťažiaci sa možu zúčastniť rôznych aktivít festivalu ako rafting, surfing, jetski, hydrospeed, bodyboarding a veľa ďalších atrakcií.A to najdôležtejšie, stráviť celý víkend na kajaku.TréningOficiálne tréningy na playspote sú od piatku 14.7. Predtým je samozrejme možnosť trénovania za poplatok.PretekySobota 14.Kajak freestyle - voľné trénovanie od 9-11:30 / 15:00-20:00Po 20:00 Párty!!!Kajak cross- qualifikácia 11:30-12:30Finále 13:00-14:00Odovzdávanie cien 14:00-14:3020:00 PártyNedeľaKajak freestyle - voľné trénovanie od 8:00-10:30 / 17:30-20:00Preteky 11:00-13:30 session systémRegistrácia a štartovnéOnline registrácia je cez facebook (potvrdenie účasti).Štartovné je len 10 eur!!! Pre obe…

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Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 2 '12 / 5 Comments

Nina Csonková's report from the 2012 European Freestyle Championship in Lienz, AustriaRight now I am sitting in our car on the way home from Lienz. The European Championships are over and I am full of emotions. It is funny how long you prepare yourself for it and how quickly things fly by.This year we came to Lienz with big goals. Peter wanted to defend his title as European Champion and I wanted to improve my result of the previous Euros. We spent about three weeks in Lienz before the event started to prepare ourselves for it. The Drau hole…

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