
Spring in Kuchl

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 15 '11 / 5 Comments

Last week we had to go for Kuchl even we knew that the temperatures would not rise more than 7 degree. Over the night we had even -4 which is cold for sleeping in the car. We are very lucky that one of our sponsor ( Ateso ) helped us with the car heating which makes the sleeping very comfortable over the cold nights! The waves was working pretty late this time , they started around 12 so we had lot of time in the morning and we could wait for good temperatures, because as you can see on the picture…

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Millau - small movie clip

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 7 '11 / 5 Comments

Here is a small movie clip how we had trainings on the slalom course in Millau. Enjoy

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Millau by Nina Halasova

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 6 '11 / 5 Comments

Our week in Millau was awesome! The weather was “kayak friendly” so we could train two times a day. The temperature during most of the days was about 10 degrees so we could sleep in the car and didn’t need accommodation. Sometimes we even ran around in short sleeves and got sunburn. Simply amazing!The hole in which we trained in seems easier than it is. You need to push very hard to manage a trick and stick it. I think it was a very good training especially for the upcoming Championship.On the first day we had little starting problems…

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