

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jan 31 '15 / 5 Comments

New year = new challenges. This year 2015 will be filled with hard training, traveling and competing. have to get strong again after my pregnancy and Peter has to limber up his shoulder after surgery. We started our winter preparation in November and we have been in gym almost every day for the past three months.  After my pregnancy, I started to paddle very fast and I did many competitions, but I still felt much weaker than I used to be. Now I feel much better and stronger. Peter had a surgery in November, but he missed only a week of training. When he couldn't use his right arm…

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National Sport center 2014-2015

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jan 31 '15 / 5 Comments

I am very happy that I was a part of the National Sport center price givin ceremony after the past season 2014 and I really hope that the upcoming season will be even better! Check out the news !

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Back roundhouse - freestyle moves

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jan 25 '15 / 5 Comments

Hi all. So we would like to continue with the clinics in kayak freestyle. The move we tried to explain today is the wave move back roundhouse. Its still belong to the low scored wave moves and  its the move to start with if you like to learn more difficult moves started from the back surf like back blunts back pan ams and more. So we help it helps you to improve the technique and skills of yours and if you have any questions just drop a comment or send us a message. See you later. Peter

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Pool session Gopro video

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jan 14 '15 / 5 Comments

Hi , as you know I am still injured and cant paddle so I got the job of the coach , babysitter and camera guy. I really like to do clips. Its a great way to show what you love to do which is for us kayaking. Gopro is the best action camera on the world and as you can see it can effort to do night time laps and also shoot 120FPS in really dark places! It's awesome.  Cant wait to test it on the snowboard in few weeks! Check out the video  See you  Peter

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Freestyle move - Roundhouse

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jan 7 '15 / 5 Comments

Round house belongs to the easyest moves in freestyle kayaking. Its just a step before you start doing the real blunts. Here is a new instructional video we made for the roundhouse. Roundhouse definition : 180° horizontal angle rotation on green water at a vertical angle between 0° and 45°, clear of the foam pile, where the competitor rotates around the bow of the boat landing in a backward s position. Check it out

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Gelo 3 výživa kĺbov

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jan 4 '15 / 5 Comments

Ahoj moje meno je Peter Csonka a som profesionálny kajakár. Kajakovaniu na divokej vode sa venujem už dlhé roky. Asi ako väčšinu ostatných vrcholových športovcov tak ani mňa neminuli zranenia. Túto sezónu som si už myslel, že sa nič neprihodí, však na koniec sezóny to nie je tak náročné a predsa… Vždy keď to najmenej čakáš tak sa to stane. Na jedných z posledných pretekov tejto sezóny som si pri zle načasovanom zábere vykĺbil rameno. Vykĺbené rameno na divokej vode znamená väčšinou plávanie a teda nechcené opustenie kajaku. Perej, kde som musel vyplávať naozaj patrí medzi ťažšie a plávanie nebolo príjemné.…

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