
Film z Norska

Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 21 '11 / 5 Comments

Ahoj tu je film z Nórska v HD kvalite. Tak isto ďakujeme Ta3 tv za odvysielanie nášho filmiku.

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Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 14 '11 / 5 Comments

First time we went to Norway two years ago. We trained on the Skjak Wave for the Worlds 2009. We had a great time there, but we didn’t see much from the country. This time we planned to discover more. We took creek boats and freestyle boats and started our trip.Our way to Norway started from Friedrichshafen, where we were on the Outdoor Show. By the way the show was really good! It was even bigger than last year. We had a barbecue party at the adidas booth and met many friends.But back to our Norway trip. We had…

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