
Hory a mesto festival -article

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 28 '11 / 5 Comments

A few weeks ago we had been able to show our latest movie of our trip through Zambia at the biggest outdoor film festival in Slovakia.The "Horyamesto Festival" took place in the Palace Cinemas in Aupark, which is a big shopping center with a few big cinemas inside. That means lots of advertisment and visitors. Thanks to the great orga team, which made all that happen. We had also been able to join some interviews with newspapers and radios, which is great because we are pushing very hard to make this sport better known in Slovakia and I’m sure this is…

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Hory a mesto v Bratislave

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 4 '11 / 5 Comments

Ahoj, týmto by sme Vás chceli pozvať na premietanie nášho filmu na festivale Hory a mesto , ktorý sa bude konať v Auparku 6-10.4. 2011V piatok a v neďelu budeme premietať náš posledný film z Expedície na jazero Kariba, takže ak ste ešte nevideli náš film, alebo si ho chcete pozrieť opäť, radi Vás tu uvidime.o filme program filmov

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Article in TV OKO

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 4 '11 / 5 Comments

Hi everyone,I was able to write an article for the most sold magazine in Slovakia (SME). tv oko consists of some articles and a weekly tv programme.The cool thing is they gave me the cover this time!!! Read more.Have fun reading in Slovakian.Peter

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