
Millau video clip

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 30 '14 / 5 Comments

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Millau training

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 30 '14 / 5 Comments

Hi all, The season started with pretty low levels around here which means not many options to go kayaking except the whitewater course at home where are stabile levels. The problem was that the main hole where we use to train was not working due the constructions there. I decided to train on slalom kayak for morning training and in afternoon training in the hole. The other hole is super difficult and very hard. After every session I felt so broken. On the other hand I follow the proverb hard on the training ground easy in the battle. To change the…

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My active pregnancy.

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 1 '14 / 5 Comments

Is it possible to be a professional athlete and mother to be at the same time?  I think so! If you do not have any health problems and you are feeling all right than why not?  I am 7 months pregnant now and my daily routine did not change much. I always admired women who stayed active during and after their pregnancy. I heard about many successful sportswomen who could combine their motherhood and their sport carrier together. I always hoped that it will be my case as well.  During my first trimester I did everything as before. I was kayaking,…

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