
Graz freestyle

Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 12 '14 / 5 Comments

 The last weeks are great there is competition every weekend, so its not boring anymore. After the Moll freestyle we decided to go also for Graz freestyle event in Austria. Every year the organizer managed to make an awesome event there for cheap entry fee with so much food, good atmosphere and also with price money. So why not to join? We went there for the friday training to get used to the hole. We have been changing with Nina in the hole so one was with little Peter all the time. After the training there was grilling party as every…

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Kopava Micellar Casein

Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 7 '14 / 5 Comments

Ahoj, Moje meno je Peter Csonka. Som profesionálny kajakár a venujem sa disciplíne kajak freestyle. Momentálne som v prípravnom období na vrcholový pretek a to Majstrovstvá Európy, ktoré sa budú konať u nás v Čunove. Toto obdobie pokladám asi za najťažšie z celej sezóny pretože ide do tuhého. Celé dni trávim na športovisku a pretože to je vodný šport to znamená, že vo vode. Kedže na posledných majstrovstvách Európy mi medaila ušla kvôli úrazu na brušnom svale z dôvodu pretrénovania, tento rok som sa rozhodol vyskúšať zlepšiť svoje stravovanie a samozrejme doplnkovú výživu. Jedným z produktov, ktorý som posledný mesiac skúšal…

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SME - vikend

Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 7 '14 / 5 Comments

Dakujeme časopisu Sme za super članok z Kostariky!

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Nina's comeback video

Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 7 '14 / 5 Comments

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Posted by Peter Csonka / Aug 5 '14 / 5 Comments

Hey, I am back in my kayak!   After short break which was caused by my pregnancy, I started to paddle again. It took my 6 weeks from labour to be able to sit in my kayak. I had a C-section so I had to wait until the wound healed properly, but now I feel pretty good.   My first steps on the water after 3 months were a bit carefull. I lost my belly muscles and it wasn't easy to get back into my freestyle boat. I did a few trainings in a slalom boat for the start. As I…

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