
Uganda White Nile 2008 - the movie clip

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 25 '08 / 5 Comments

Finally I had time to edit a movie clip from Africa.>>>>paddlers: Nina Halasova , Peter Csonka , Matej Fabianek , Ben Marr , Brian Kirk , Max Davidson , Dylan Davidson , Dave Nieuwenhuis , Kelsey Thompson , Mariann Seather , Tyler Curtys , Logan Grayling and : Peter Csonka , Nina Halasova , Matej Fabianekediting: Peter CsonkaI hope you enjoy the movie.

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Eastern paddling on the Plattling wave

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 24 '08 / 5 Comments

It was a hard decision to go to train at the eastern. Every were was snowing and freezing cold , max temperatures was about 3 degrees sometimes freezing. We met there Honza Spindler , Lukas Cervinka and also with Honzas dad. Nina and me It was nice water level , but really cold. Nina and me we had really cool drysuits from Palm and after 2 hour paddling we still was dry , awesome!!! It was difficult to kayak when you wearing so much stuff on you now , we just came back from Africa where we kayak the waves and…

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Uganda 2008

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 20 '08 / 5 Comments

Two months spent in Uganda were awesome holidays. Sun, waves any stress… great rest for us! Ok but just mental rest because we trained almost every day two time a day on Nile special. When we arrived water level was really high, higher than last year. Because of it Nile special was running whole day. First day when we arrived to camp Hairy lemon was a big birthday party of one Canadian girl and everyone had to wear like bitches or bullys. Really funny to see guys in females underwear like strings… But we was very tired from flight, transport and…

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Adidas web page

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 16 '08 / 5 Comments

Adidas company put us to the Original web page Check it out at the sportler section adidas teamSee you. Peter & Nina

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Uganda cast 6

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 8 '08 / 5 Comments

Poslednych par tyzdnov nam ubehlo ako voda... Konecne nam ide internet v Hairy Lemone tak mozeme zas nieco pridat na stranku. Pravda je, ze moc sa toho tu uz nedeje , vacsinu casu travime na vlne , obcas ideme do mesta sa najest, lebo jedlo co nam tu davaju je uz neznesitelne. Zemiaky , cestoviny a ryzu pripravovanu na tieto sposoby nechcem vidiet aspon niekolko tyzdnov. Ja a aj Nina sme uz poriadne unaveny ale este sa snazime vyuzit nas posledny tyzden ako sa len da ... vid. foto. Nina /blunt/ Tyler Curtys /california roll/ california roll do lavej strany Mariann…

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