

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 29 '14 / 5 Comments

We already started our season few months ago. It was cold and chilly but we were happy to paddle. Finally the weather is nice. It seems like there is no spring but suddenly the summer is coming. Our whitewater course is running pretty well so we spend lot of time training there, beside this we travel a lot and paddle in Europe. In my last month of my pregnancy I am only couching Peter from the river side because I cannot paddle anymore. I am little bit sad because specially in this warm weather it is pleasure to be on the…

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K4 powergel veľká dávka energie

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 11 '14 / 5 Comments

Asi pred týždňom sme sa vrátili zo sústredenia vo Francúzsku, kde sme sa pripravovali na Svetový pohár v kajak freestyle. Každodenný tréning dva krát denne po niekoľko hodín je veľmi únavný a udržať jeho kvalitu nie je jednoduché. Každá figúra musí byť prevedená čo najlepšie a preto pri každom tréningu musím ísť do maxima, čo je veľmi energeticky náročné. Dôležitá je preto pre mňa správna doplnková výživa. Už v minulosti som skúšal veľa rôznych energetických nápojov, či gélov. Tentokrát som mal so sebou prichystané K4 gély od Kompavy a musím povedať, že som bol veľmi prekvapený ako dobre fungujú. Veľa gélov…

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Cunovo freestyle training videos

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 4 '14 / 5 Comments

Hi, here are some videos from today's training. We had a bit windy weather, but it was awesome to kayak with friends and working on my new ride.  I like to change my current standart and change the whole drill to something new. I mean not every spot is the same of course, but in each spot you can try to go big if not you can go home :) Our spot in Cunovo is rebuild and its really cool now and its possible to work on the combinations. I love to train there its one of the best spots in…

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