
Trencin - video

Posted by Peter Csonka / Sep 30 '10 / 5 Comments

Few week ago we had the strong rain falls in Slovakia and the waves in Trencin was working again. From 20 cumics in second to 1000 in one day. The dam just did release all the water.So enjoy the clip.

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Alpin River Cup Cunovo-Final event

Posted by Peter Csonka / Sep 28 '10 / 5 Comments

Last weekend of september was held the final event from the series of Alpin River Cup. We hosted it in Cunovo- Slovakia, in our local playspot. Paddlers from Austria, Germany, Poland and Czech were gather during the whole week. Friday evening all the participants had free training on the slalom withe water course. Me and Peter we were quite tried from the trainings before and as the organizers we had too much work to paddle. We were beg for nice weather at least for not raining. Saturday was quite nice day. Read more here

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Slovak championship/ARF cup

Posted by Peter Csonka / Sep 19 '10 / 5 Comments

Event programFriday, 24-th free trainings from 13:00 till 15:00 and 19:00-20:00 in between 15:00 - 19:00 it is strictly forbidden to paddle. Registration from 18:00-19:30 Saturday, 25-th Registration from 8:00-9:00 qualifications + cross qualifications from 9:00 till 19:00 party from 20:00 Sunday, 26-th from 8:00 till 17:00 semifinals and finals + final race of Slovak Kayak & Canoe Cross 2009Individual trainings Individual trainings will be possible. Days, times and prices please check on the Official trainingOfficial playspot trainings from Friday 24. sep, from 17:00. Prior to official trainings playspot available too. Area is perfect for bike, inline…

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Flood waves in Trencin

Posted by Peter Csonka / Sep 5 '10 / 5 Comments

This year is the weather a bit crazy in whole Europe. Slovakia isn’t a exception. We had floods from early spring in many parts of country. Even at such a places where they never had this problems before. We are so sorry because many people lost a lot...but we were lucky and found something great.Read more here!

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Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup

Posted by Peter Csonka / Sep 1 '10 / 5 Comments

Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup Majstrovstvá Slovenska v Kayak Freestyle Kayak & Canoe Cross 24. – 26. September 2010Informations about the Event / Informácie o preteku

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Lipno Devils extrem race.

Posted by Peter Csonka / Sep 1 '10 / 5 Comments

Lipno festival is the biggest kayak event in Czech republic. This small calm area became for one weekend a year overcrowded by kayakers and rafters from all around the europe. Lipno is small creek witch flows trough national park. There is not enough water for kayaking but once a year at the end of summer they release water form dam and this small creek became a wild river. You can find there many rapids, holes and jumps. Mostly it is class 3plus-4 but there is also one class 5 rapid. This river is very nice and not much dangerous while you…

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