
New pictures from Otz event

Posted by Peter Csonka / Oct 9 '07 / 5 Comments

I know that the Otz kayak race was canceled , but I think every one had a beautiful weekend there like we had. The organisation was perfect and also everything there, just the water levels for competition can be better :( .Here are some new pictures from my cousin Matej Fabianek.He is a awesome photographer and if you like to check some pictures from him , go to Lunch at the course for the competition some guys near the course Flo practising catering at the evening and also the big O movie night wavesport team posing big thanks…

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Pain Killez

Posted by Peter Csonka / Oct 8 '07 / 5 Comments

This is my favourite movie. It is awesome. From The BIG O PRODUCTION.Pain Killez

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Worls part 2

Posted by Peter Csonka / Oct 6 '07 / 5 Comments

Hi everyone.Unfortunately the Otz river have still too much water and until now the event is still canceled . We are hoping about tomorrow , if the water levels dropped than tomorrow will be the quali and also finals. Check the There are news every day what is going on.See you on the water.Peter & Nina

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Sick adidas line - World kayak championships –part 1

Posted by Peter Csonka / Oct 3 '07 / 5 Comments

On the way to Otz we stop on the river Soca , to meet some friends and practice little. Because we didn’t have been creeking so much this year than Soca was the best place to have fun before the worlds. The weather was so bad, but the water level, I think about 180cm and that’s good. I don't have the pictures here now , but I will post them for sure. Now we are 2 days in Otz tall and the weather and also the water is awesome. First day Me, Schorschi and his friends, we was paddling the middle…

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