After the Bitches we went for one day to Augsburg to train on the local spot calls ‘’Waschmashine’’. This spot is amazing hard hole to train. From the edge it is looking like a nice hole , but if you are inside it’s a really strong. I think all hole tricks are possible but it is not easy. The worldcup will be here soon , than we was practicing there little bit.
After Augsburg we went to Italy for the Teva extreme race. Thursday we had some trainings rides and then at Friday was the competition on Egua river ( team race and single race ). Next day was extreme slalom and kayak cross on the Sorba river. On Saturday top 30 from man category and all woman category went to the head to head cross. It was a nice event , you can find results and some other pictures on the
Next days we was kayaking with Olaf , Manuel , Florian , Mat , Stephane and Markus. We made some nice pictures on the rivers , than some guys like Honza Lasko , Pat Keller , Sam Sutton , Markus , Florian … went to the Devil slides which was a really crazy rapid. After that we went home really tired and spend some time on our white water course Cunovo.
See you.