Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup

English version :

Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia founded a new Freestyle Cup, called Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup (ARF Cup).

There will be four venues:
Graz, Austria (8.5.2010); Wildalpen, Austria (26.6.2010); Tacen, Slovenia (24.7.2010) and, last but not least, Čunovo, Slovakia (25.9.2010).

Ratet will be persons who participated in at least three of the four Freestyle competitions. Points will be added up, which means those who participate more often will have higher chances to win the Cup.

Winners will not only be awarded the honour of being the very first winner of the ARF Cup; in addition, they will also take home the absolutely beautiful, glittering cup. Apart from this there will, of course, be numerous other prizes!

What is more, there will be an additional “Old Bastard” class, to also tempt more experienced paddlers to take part in the competition.

Wildalpen, formerly largely famous for its White Water facilities, offers a spectacular venue on the “Heli Welli”, (hole). Don’t worry! This is not the hole next to the campsite, which usually sees a lot of swimmers. Another venue, Tacen, was last year’s talk of the town because of the smashing party-organization. This year this is due to another reason: they expect to meet competitors with a newly designed playspot.

So, pack your boats and – off we go! Looking forward to enjoying a fresh start in 2010’s season with lots of motivated competitors!

Slovenska verzia:

Rakúsko, Slovensko a Slovinsko uvádzajú do života nový seriál freestylových pretekov “Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup” (ARF Cup).

Program ARF Cup 2010:
8.5.2010 Graz, Austria
26.6.2010 Wildalpen, Austria
24.7.2010 Tacen, Slovenia
25.9.2010 Čunovo, Slovakia

Do celkového hodnotenia vstupujú tí účastníci, ktorí sa zúčastnia najmenej na 3 pretekoch. Sčítavať sa však budú body zo všetkých 4 pretekov, takže výhodu budú mať tí, čo radi cestujú.


Prvý víťaz ročníka si domov odnesie pekný pohár, zaujímavé a hodnotné ceny budú pripravené samozrejeme aj pre ďalších účastníkov.

Popri klasických kategóriách sme sa rozhodli zatraktívniť preteky aj pre skúsených mužov a ženy v špeciálnej kategórii “Old Bastards”.

Viac informácií prinesieme priebežne.
