A few weeks ago we had been able to show our latest movie of our trip through Zambia at the biggest outdoor film festival in Slovakia.The "Horyamesto Festival" took place in the Palace Cinemas in Aupark, which is a big shopping center with a few big cinemas inside. That means lots of advertisment and visitors. Thanks to the great orga team, which made all that happen. We had also been able to join some interviews with newspapers and radios, which is great because we are pushing very hard to make this sport better known in Slovakia and I’m sure this is the right way to present this great sport to the media and of course to the people.adidas as one of the festival sponsors showed three movies including its athletes paddling. Out of four best movies one was picked as the "water movie night".First movie shown was from Redbull (first descent in Tatras) second one a movie from Jared Meehan (king of the legends) full with adidas athletes, who did a great job with the expedition and the editing, the third one was our expedition to lake Kariba and the last one was "White Water", which won.After this fantastic evening with a full theatre we had the after party as always downtown including many friends.On Sunday there was the repetition, which we missed because we went to kayak again.What can I say, another succesfull weekend for us. I am verry happy because we managed to show the whole movie on TV as well and over the year it is going around all the Slovakian and Czech movie festivals.