PETER AND NINA roudtrip #1

In April the opening of our white water course took place in Cunovo. Divoka Voda asked us together with Jana Dukatova (slalom) to make the promo talk about the course because of the relations we have to the media. It was really well organised and we met many people from all kinds of newspapers, TV and radio stations. We also had some nice food and program like jetski, paintball... Here is a short report from the TV.

After the opening we spent a few more days at home, because I had to finish my diploma work... by the way I hate it :). However working on it means morning and night, sometimes only night, because we are already packed with trainings (often twice a day). 

Freestyle kayaking is a difficult sport, not only because of learning new moves, but also the trainings are specific and the body has to work in Lactate intensity which is extremely hard. Trainings twice a day cannot be the same, because it might happen that the body loses the glycogen out of the muscles and of the liver and the recovery then takes a long time, up to even half a year. This happened to me a few years ago and I really had big trouble with my body and also physical condition when I was trying to push onward instead of recovery.
Because Nina and I, we are coaches and we should be aware of many things like this, we decided to establish a ‘’secret’‘  training plan for us, based on the knowledge we get from trainings and on factors which we need for the intense training plan. We asked adidas for made to be a personal coach. We use it to check the intensity and time with heart rates. It’s also perfect to use with running, biking, hiking...I really can say that it helped a lot!

In the end of April we left to Plattling again where I was coaching freestyle for Austrian kayakers. It was again an awesome week there because Plattling is an easy spot and we could increase their skills.
Straight after that we went back, because we had to go to The High Tatra in Slovakia for a mountaineering course for my school, which was my last subject before the final exams. We took our best adidas gear and we went to the mountains.
It’s incredible how well the functional gear works! It really kept me dry and warm. We went really long tracks during the whole day. One of the longest was 27 km, we also had to climb on the stairs about 200 m straight up. I put Puko to the back bag and did everything with him! Check out the pictures.
Again we didn't stay too long at home. After two days I finished my diploma work and uploaded it to the school server, so basically we were ready to leave again. The direction was Plattling again. I am really getting bored from this hole but nothing else is working yet. Actually we went there because the German championships took place over the weekend.
The competitions could be called ‘’small Europeans’‘ because there were many people from different countries. It was definitely a good proof, whether our trainings were working well.
I won every start and in the end I finished on first place in man category. Nina however, she seemed to be really in the best shape I’ve ever seen for her; she finished on third place.
I mean we know what to improve now, how to prepare her for the big events. She really was kayaking awesome three days before the competition, but the energy was not enough till the competition came and she was overtrained then. That’s okay, I mean it was our fault, but this is also part of the training. 
Now we are sitting in the car in Czech Republic, training for next event which will take part over the weekend.






See you
Peter Csonka