New from the trick list- freestyle move Shuvit

Hey so here we are again with the lowest scored move from the list Shuvit for only 5 points. Yes I know its a super easy move and its not needed to explain it. Well we belive this is one of the few moves you sepose to start your freestyle carier so didnt want to skip it. 

To watch the previous moves go here

Shuvit definition : 2 consecutive 180° horizontal angle rotations of the
boat at vertical angle between 0° and 45°,
beginning in front surf position to back surf position
then returning to front surf position without a pause.
The 2nd rotation must be in the opposite direction of
the 1st one and the entire trick is completed with 1
blade remaining in the water during the whole
action phase.

music: Time bomb - UK Urban beats epic orchestra (Redbull content pool audio library)

speaker : Marcel Bloder
kayaker : Peter Csonka, Nina Csonka , Eva Filova, Tomas Andrassy