Millau - small movie clip
Here is a small movie clip how we had trainings on the slalom course in Millau. Enjoy
Here is a small movie clip how we had trainings on the slalom course in Millau. Enjoy
Our week in Millau was awesome! The weather was “kayak friendly” so we could train two times a day. The temperature during most of the days was about 10 degrees so we could sleep in the car and didn’t need accommodation. Sometimes we even ran around in short sleeves and got sunburn. Simply amazing!The hole in which we trained in seems easier than it is. You need to push very hard to manage a trick and stick it. I think it was a very good training especially for the upcoming Championship.On the first day we had little starting problems…
From day to day we decided to leave our freaking cold country. There wasn’t an option to go kayak around Slovakia , it is still snowing and bellow 0 degree . So me, Nina , Capko we decided to go somewhere where is not that cold and possible to train every more here!
So we are back from Uganda and finally I was able to finish the movie clip from there. How I sad many times Uganda is my favorite winter destination. The waves , rapids , life there is awesome. Its easy just eating kayaking and enjoying the vocations there. Ok so we spoke a lot already about Uganda in the past articles ... just watch the movie clip.
Video from the pool session with the Gopro HD Hero.I love that cam.Check out the video
After one great month spent in Uganda with kayaking on White Nile we needed to come back home. I am happy to be home again but I can say I already miss this nice sunny country too.This year it was our fifth time there. I would like to share my memories of this trip with you.Read more here !
Tento rok sme oslávili Vianoce v teple, v Ugande. Tu sa síce oslavuje až 25.decembra, ale kvôli nám pripravili slávnostnú večeru už 24. večer. Ráno sme išli kajakovať na Club wave a poobede sme sa pomaly chystali na Vianoce. Paul, majiteľ kempu, nám vystrojil parádnu hostinu. Grilované teľacie kotlety, páročky, šalát, pečené zemiaky a perfektný banánový koláč. Samozrejme , že nesmel chýbať ani vianočný stromček, ktorý sme vyrúbali priamo z kempu. Na druhý deň sme oslavovali Vianoce podľa ich, tzv. amerických tradícií. Ráno nás čakali výdatné raňajky s vajíčkom, páročkami, toastmi a ovocím. Na obed boli pripravené slávnostné stoly, aj s…
Ahoj. Tak po komplikovanom príchode na letisko Entebbe sme zistili, že Nine neprišla loď. Po vyjednaní ceny so šoférom sme sa vydali nočnou Ugandou do Hairy Lemonu. Hneď nasledujúce ráno sme sa ponáhľali na raňajky aby sme mohli ísť konečne surfovať na vlny. Vlny sú super každý deň chodíme prevažne 2x na vodu. Nininú loď sme boli vyzdvihnúť 2 dni po prílete a všetko bolo v poriadku. Predvčerom sme dokonca išli pozrieť super hole, čo znamená , že sme išli prvý krát úsek deň 2 a Maťo si vymodlil aby sme po ceste stretli hada. Bol to nejaký druh kobry a…
In one of my latest updates I mentioned that the kayak session is over. WRONG! Fortunately the owners of the white water course in Cunovo decided to keep the water running due to great weather conditions so we were still able to use the course till it started to freeze.Our usual course has a certain hole that we love to hit but that section was closed. Fortunately the second course also had a play hole and sometimes when they released more water we could also ride a nice small wave.We are very lucky that we can manage trainings till…
Two weeks ago we had the premiere of our new movie from Zambia. We decided to arrange a huge party including Nina's birthday party. We held it in the boat house called “Dunajcik“ which has a long canoe history in Slovakia. After a few months of editing the movie it was finally ready...We showed the whole section of the Victoria Falls and the lake Kariba taken in January. We were lucky and managed the whole section as we wanted, and over the top we captured it all.Thanks to Nico Chassing who helped us to make that happen.We had a private premiere…
Last week started Kuchl sessions! The water dropped and waves started to run almost the all day long. We came there friday afternoon. Wave was a bit high for surfing with kayak.Read more!
In the beginning of October every thing was prepared in Otzal for the event to start. The the Adidas Sickline extrem World Championships are held in Otztal’s beautiful valley every year. For a weekend became this tourist well know area full of kayak fancy. Some come to take a part and some come with the goal to win and take home gold and of course prize money. But winner can be just one of the 150 paddlers from all around the world.We came to the Oetz Wednesday evening. Like the last years we were acomodate in beautiful Feel free resort…
I had some time to edit the movie clip from the last and final cup from Alpin freestyle cup.Thanks again to all participants and also to our sponsors: Adidas, Vajda, Paddler, Red Bull, Divoka voda
Few week ago we had the strong rain falls in Slovakia and the waves in Trencin was working again. From 20 cumics in second to 1000 in one day. The dam just did release all the water.So enjoy the clip.
Last weekend of september was held the final event from the series of Alpin River Cup. We hosted it in Cunovo- Slovakia, in our local playspot. Paddlers from Austria, Germany, Poland and Czech were gather during the whole week. Friday evening all the participants had free training on the slalom withe water course. Me and Peter we were quite tried from the trainings before and as the organizers we had too much work to paddle. We were beg for nice weather at least for not raining. Saturday was quite nice day. Read more here
Hi so here are the results:ARFC preliminary and semifinalsARFC finalsKayak cross results
Event programFriday, 24-th free trainings from 13:00 till 15:00 and 19:00-20:00 in between 15:00 - 19:00 it is strictly forbidden to paddle. Registration from 18:00-19:30 Saturday, 25-th Registration from 8:00-9:00 qualifications + cross qualifications from 9:00 till 19:00 party from 20:00 Sunday, 26-th from 8:00 till 17:00 semifinals and finals + final race of Slovak Kayak & Canoe Cross 2009Individual trainings Individual trainings will be possible. Days, times and prices please check on the Official trainingOfficial playspot trainings from Friday 24. sep, from 17:00. Prior to official trainings playspot available too. Area is perfect for bike, inline…