
Project cx 54 movie clip

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 25 '09 / 5 Comments

Small movie clip from Graz with the new project 54 cxPeter

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Adidas week

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 19 '09 / 5 Comments

The main occasion was planned for afternoon. Sam and Bernhard planned to run Welle Brucke section in flow about 212 cubics. From the top it looked really difficult and very very hard. Guys run it well but they had lot of experiences and despite of this you could see that the water have so big power that even they have some problems to paddle the right way. The next day we paddled some others nice sections of Oetz. After that was the time to say goodbye and leave, someone to home to work and someone to continue to Friedrichshafen for outdoor…

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Project cx 54

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 13 '09 / 5 Comments

Finally I get an email from Ingrid Schlott that a new project 54cx is waiting for me. The project 54cx is an carbon version which should be more light stiff , bouncing better , more speedy , but the best think about this boat is that they finally past in my body mass weight. Unfortunately or fortunately, I don’t know, my weight is about 90 kg which means that when I have all my gear on its about 95-100 kg… and that’s a lot. Until now I been paddling the project 52 gallons and it is a bit small for my…

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3th Euro cup in Lienz

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jul 10 '09 / 5 Comments

Lienz is sweet small town surrounded by colossal mountains. The nature here is so beautiful! You have many options what to do. You can find here rivers for beginner and also for most experienced kayakers. Many tourist visit Lienz during the whole year. Skiing, hiking, rafting, kayaking, paragliding… everything is possible here. So this is the perfect place for organizing such as international event like euro cup is. The playspot is situated on river Drau. Big, powerful hole and really cold water! During the Euro cup was also competition ,,carton boats’’ witch promised good show to see. Because qualifications started already…

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2. euro cup in Slovakia- Cunovo

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jun 30 '09 / 5 Comments

Second euro cup was held in our local spot in Cunovo. We were much pleasured to welcome all Europeans paddlers here. Most of them they never were in Slovakia so we wanted to make them feel good in our small country. After rebuilding hole in winter and making the small improvements in last week the hole was ready for event. Some paddlers came in Monday right after euro cup in Plattling but most of them came during Thursday and Friday. The forecast for weekend wasn’t very good but it didn’t make us sad. After getting ready everything for event we…

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Movie from EC Plattling

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jun 22 '09 / 5 Comments

Hi here is a small movie from the Eurocup - Plattling made from the Donau TV Peter

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First Euro Cup in Plattling.

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jun 16 '09 / 5 Comments

First Euro cup this year was held in Germany in well known hole in small town – Plattling. Almost 100 paddlers came from 13 different nations and took place in first of four Euro cups. During the whole week before competition’s week there were gathering paddlers to get the best form in hole. Me and Peter we came in Wednesday’s evening. We couldn’t come sooner because of school. Thursday morning we woke up very early at 5 o’clock. We wanted to practice but there were so many people that paddling early morning was the best solution for us. In Thursday people…

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Graz kayak freestyle event

Posted by Peter Csonka / Jun 15 '09 / 5 Comments

Two weekends ago was the kayak freestyle event in Graz again. The organization of the Graz freestyle competition was every time really good and we use to be there almost on every event. This time was is maybe the biggest number of participants, because Germany had qualification for the World championship 2009-Thun, there was also lot of Slovenian , Czech, Slovakian and of course Austrian kayakers. The competition took just one day which was really hard for the organizers and also for kayakers. The water level was quiet good for the wave , almost every trick was possible there. Sometimes I…

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Freestyle Eurocup championship - Slovakia

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 28 '09 / 5 Comments

Sourse www.kayak.skEvent program Piatok, 19. júnoficiálny tréning od 14:00 do 19:00Sobota, 20. júnkvalifikácia a štvrťfinále (od 8:00 do 19:00)koncert a party (od 20:00)Nedeľa, 21. jún (od 8:00 do 19:00)semifinále a finále+ finálový pretek slovenskéhoKayak & Canoe Cross 2009 Friday, 19-th free trainings from 14:00 till 19:00Saturday, 20-th qualifyings and from 8:00 till 19:00concert and party from 20:00Sunday, 21-st from 8:00 till 17:00semifinals and finals+ final race of Slovak Kayak & Canoe Cross 2009Individuálne tréningyIndividual trainings Individuálne tréningy budú možné aj vdňoch pred podujatím. Časy…

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Propozície 2.kolo Kayak & Canoe Cross 2009

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 25 '09 / 5 Comments

Prameň textu - www.kayak.skTermín pretekov: Sobota, 30. mája 2009 Miesto: AVŠ Liptovký Mikuláš (vodnoslalomový kanál) Čas štartu a trvanie pretekov: od 10:00 do cca 14:00 Charakter pretekov: klasické crossové preteky – šprint s viacčlenným štartom (trojice alebo štvorice), postup prvých do ďalších kôl, vypadávací systém určí víťaza.Za umiestnenie na prvom mieste získa pretekár (posádka) 200 bodov, každé ďalšie miesto bude hodnotené s odstupmi po 10 bodovFun-slalom – zjazd kanálom s plnením rôznorodých úloh s bodovaním, v podstate tiež preteky, i keď o víťazstvo pôjde až v prvom rade Ocenenie: Organizátor vyplatí najmenej 60 EUR ako „prize money“ pre…

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Graz trainig

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 18 '09 / 5 Comments

Hiwe spend some more time in Graz this weekend with training , the levels were awesome again.some pictures : Nina flying into california lot of surfers on the wave Puko modeling as always See youPeter

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Kayak and Canoe cross 2009 - Bela

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 11 '09 / 5 Comments

This weekend we had a small break from our kayak freestyle training and we went for a Slovakian first from the kayak cross cup ever. The competition was just on Saturday and because of this we went there at Friday evening. We met us with our friend like Jano , Mato , Miro … and had a small party on the private. It is awesome because my last time when I met my friends was probably more than half year ago. our company during the party Unfortunately we are so busy couple for couple of months at the moment. What to…

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Tripping …

Posted by Peter Csonka / May 5 '09 / 5 Comments

Las week we spend we lot of travelling. We made about 3000 km over the Europe from Slovakia over Graz ( AUT ) then to Lyon ( FR ) and we finished it in Bremgarten ( SUI ) and after very broken went back home. Unfortunately we couldn’t stay and kayak more because we need to spend also some more time in the school. But from the beginning we left at Friday to Graz to kayak bit over there. The wave had a very good level for the wave also with an eddy service. What to say more we enjoyed it…

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Kayak and Canoe cross 2009

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 17 '09 / 5 Comments

Ahoj ,takže pomaly sa nám blíži sezóna 2009 a s ňou aj preteky a festivaly. Týmto rokom máme novinku a to kajak cross cup na Slovensku. Sú to 3 crossové súťaže a to na Beléj , Liptovskom Mikuláši a Čunove. Na prvý z pretekov sa je možne už aj registrovať na stránke kayak.skkde je samozrejme viac informácií o podujatí.Takže vidíme sa čoskoro na Belej.Peter

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First sunny days

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 7 '09 / 5 Comments

Thursday evening we got a massage from our friend, who lives in Trencin, they have a great wave there. We were surprised, because we never were there. Their river Vah had flood which made three rapids under dam. Depends of high level there are various playspots, but normally there is not enough water. When we come, water has drop from last day but still there was a cool wave. We spent there hole day and had an awesome session. Next day water drop again and wave was shallow for paddling so we moved to Plattling. Plattling had high nice level so…

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First training on the Kuchl

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 22 '09 / 5 Comments

When we discussed date with Austrian guys for they training on Kuchl we expect a warmer weather. We were driving on highway and how we were closed to Salzburg we saw more and more snow around us. But we were sill claim and we hoped that at least in village is everything melted. When we came we were shocked. We couldn’t park on the side of road because there were still 30cm of snow! Friday wasn’t very nice. It was chilly and sometimes raining. We took our dry suits and paddled for 1,5 hour. Just me and Peter, we were quite…

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Uganda - last update

Posted by Peter Csonka / Mar 3 '09 / 5 Comments

We came from sunny hot Uganda to chilly cold Slovakia. It was quite big shock for us. We arrived to Vienna at Sunday evening after 26 hours of traveling. We were looking forward to go home, to rest a bit and eat good food but after one day we miss Uganda so much!From our last update from Uganda water didn’t change and was quite small but good for club wave. After paddling two times a day for weeks we went to Bujagali to spend some time in Eden rock resort in big banda. We enjoyed beds, shower, toilets, power and…

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Posledné správy z Ugandy

Posted by Peter Csonka / Feb 19 '09 / 5 Comments

Ahoj všetci . Takže pobyt sa nám už blíži ku koncu a my sa asi ozývame posledný krát. Až tak veľa sa síce toho nestalo , akurát sme videli nejakých tých prudko jedovatých hadov a Capko si dal spraviť copiky. Pred týždňom sme sa presunuli na Bujagali , kde sme strávili asi týždeň. Ubytovali sme sa v Eden rocku vo veľkej bande. Bol to pre nás luxus po dlhom čase spať v posteli a mať normálne splachujúci záchod a aj sprchu. Naplno sme využívali elektrinu , ktorá išla síce iba večer cez generátor lebo popadalo elektrické vedenie. Celý čas hore sme…

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Hairy lemon - Club wave

Posted by Peter Csonka / Feb 4 '09 / 5 Comments

After Jinja we went back to the Hairy lemon and enjoy the birthday party. I can tell that is the best solution to spend the day like this in Uganda. Some guys went to the wave and some just had a rest and some drinks as well. Next day the water dropt and Capko had his dream wave Club. Now every morning is the Club wave working and at the evening is it enough for Nile Spetial. The Club wave is also a good option because now we are still changing the playspots and also the paddle techniques. We also went…

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Hairy lemon

Posted by Peter Csonka / Feb 4 '09 / 5 Comments

Ahoj Tak pop o Jinji sme sa samozrejme vrátili späť do kempu. Niektorí sa ešte vybrali na vodu iní odpočívali. Môžem povedať , že oslavovať narodeniny kajakovaním v Afrike je proste super. V podstate celý ďalší týždeň sme strávili všetci tu a to trénovaním. Je to stály stereotyp na ktorí sa teší asi každý freestylový kajakár. Voda nám klesla a Capkovi sa splnil sen , chcel si totiž zakajakovať na vlne s názvom Club. Tak teraz každé ráno je Club a večer na stúpa na Nile Spetial. Celkom dobre... V pondelok sme sa vybrali na úsek Deň 2. Niečo sa nám…

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