Hypofit + BCAA - energicka bomba
Posledné svetové poháre boli pre mňa celkom únavné. Po pretekoch v Usa som hneď pokračoval na ďalsie dva preteky svetového pohára v Španielsku. To vlastne znamená, že skoro celý mesiac v kuse je pretekar na tréningu a pripravuje sa na následovnu súťaž. Je to velmi fyzicky aj psychycky náročné. Keďže na každý z pretekov som musel letieť nemal som možnost toho si veľa so sebou pobaliť. Musel som si dobre zvážiť akú výstroj si so sebou vziať, aby som mal so sebou všetko čo potrebujem, ale aby som sa zmestil do váhového limitu. Okrem svojej vodáckej výstroje a oblečenia som si…
Europeans in TV
Some TV coverage from the Europeans
Kayak Freestyle European Championships 2014.
This Europeans was a big challenge for us. It was hold in our "home spot" in Cunovo, Slovakia.
We know this place pretty well and was looking forward to host "the big freestyle event" here.
The white water course in Cunovo is well know between the slalom paddlers but not many freestylers know that we have a solid playspot here as well.
Week before the event it become a very busy. Everybody wanted to paddle and get use to it. It is quite tricky hole, different from other holes, but everything is possible to do there. You could see it as…
Graz freestyle
The last weeks are great there is competition every weekend, so its not boring anymore. After the Moll freestyle we decided to go also for Graz freestyle event in Austria. Every year the organizer managed to make an awesome event there for cheap entry fee with so much food, good atmosphere and also with price money. So why not to join? We went there for the friday training to get used to the hole. We have been changing with Nina in the hole so one was with little Peter all the time. After the training there was grilling party as every…
Kopava Micellar Casein
Ahoj, Moje meno je Peter Csonka. Som profesionálny kajakár a venujem sa disciplíne kajak freestyle. Momentálne som v prípravnom období na vrcholový pretek a to Majstrovstvá Európy, ktoré sa budú konať u nás v Čunove. Toto obdobie pokladám asi za najťažšie z celej sezóny pretože ide do tuhého. Celé dni trávim na športovisku a pretože to je vodný šport to znamená, že vo vode. Kedže na posledných majstrovstvách Európy mi medaila ušla kvôli úrazu na brušnom svale z dôvodu pretrénovania, tento rok som sa rozhodol vyskúšať zlepšiť svoje stravovanie a samozrejme doplnkovú výživu. Jedným z produktov, ktorý som posledný mesiac skúšal…
Hey, I am back in my kayak!
After short break which was caused by my pregnancy, I started to paddle again. It took my 6 weeks from labour to be able to sit in my kayak. I had a C-section so I had to wait until the wound healed properly, but now I feel pretty good.
My first steps on the water after 3 months were a bit carefull. I lost my belly muscles and it wasn't easy to get back into my freestyle boat. I did a few trainings in a slalom boat for the start. As I…
Wildaplen freestyle- Helliwelli’s pradise
There was only 3 days since I came home after from the World cups and left for another competition in Austria. This time we went together with Peter jr. and Nina. Its funny how long it takes to pack everything you need for the baby :). After longer time spent with preparing and packing we was able to leave. The way there is only 250km and it went OK. Peter was really good and sleeping almost all the way there. We was happy to leave to Wildalpen where the next event took part because in Bratislava was really a tropical summer…
The final World cup in Sort
The final World cup in freestyle kayaking.
After the Salt, the second World cup we moved to Sort where the final competition took place. We had only few days for training and the hole was super difficult and big. Lets say in one edge it was a huge nasty hole where all the were difficult and on the other side was a small hole really shallow and super flashy. Not good for my carbon boat. It means everybody can have a good day or bad day and mess up the rides, or to be a star. I had pretty good training…
From Payette games to the World cup
The Payette games in Idaho were really great trip. I went there only for short time, but I really enjoyed my staying. The location, wave and town looks so great. The hole over there is incredible, on one side is a big hole and on the other side is a wave so you can pretty much do all the moves on the list, you just have to build your ride properly. The competition didn't went well for me even I felt really good in the training. The first run was all right but I was feeling really slow and tired and…
PRG 2014 #1
The last few weeks have been awesome. There are lots of new things and challenges in my life. Paddling every day, getting ready for the season, and meeting all our friends while paddling. We went to Plattling for a nice change to our home spot and to take the part in the Plattling festival. It wasn't a competition, rather something like a kayaking party. Everybody was paddling, playing games in the water and surfing. What a nice weekend!
Than I had one more week to organize all the things before our little baby arrived to join our lives. It was…
We already started our season few months ago. It was cold and chilly but we were happy to paddle. Finally the weather is nice. It seems like there is no spring but suddenly the summer is coming.
Our whitewater course is running pretty well so we spend lot of time training there, beside this we travel a lot and paddle in Europe.
In my last month of my pregnancy I am only couching Peter from the river side because I cannot paddle anymore. I am little bit sad because specially in this warm weather it is pleasure to be on the…
K4 powergel veľká dávka energie
Asi pred týždňom sme sa vrátili zo sústredenia vo Francúzsku, kde sme sa pripravovali na Svetový pohár v kajak freestyle. Každodenný tréning dva krát denne po niekoľko hodín je veľmi únavný a udržať jeho kvalitu nie je jednoduché. Každá figúra musí byť prevedená čo najlepšie a preto pri každom tréningu musím ísť do maxima, čo je veľmi energeticky náročné. Dôležitá je preto pre mňa správna doplnková výživa. Už v minulosti som skúšal veľa rôznych energetických nápojov, či gélov. Tentokrát som mal so sebou prichystané K4 gély od Kompavy a musím povedať, že som bol veľmi prekvapený ako dobre fungujú. Veľa gélov…
Cunovo freestyle training videos
Hi, here are some videos from today's training. We had a bit windy weather, but it was awesome to kayak with friends and working on my new ride.
I like to change my current standart and change the whole drill to something new. I mean not every spot is the same of course, but in each spot you can try to go big if not you can go home :)
Our spot in Cunovo is rebuild and its really cool now and its possible to work on the combinations. I love to train there its one of the best spots in…
Millau training
Hi all,
The season started with pretty low levels around here which means not many options to go kayaking except the whitewater course at home where are stabile levels. The problem was that the main hole where we use to train was not working due the constructions there. I decided to train on slalom kayak for morning training and in afternoon training in the hole. The other hole is super difficult and very hard. After every session I felt so broken. On the other hand I follow the proverb hard on the training ground easy in the battle. To change the…
My active pregnancy.
Is it possible to be a professional athlete and mother to be at the same time?
I think so! If you do not have any health problems and you are feeling all right than why not?
I am 7 months pregnant now and my daily routine did not change much. I always admired women who stayed active during and after their pregnancy. I heard about many successful sportswomen who could combine their motherhood and their sport carrier together. I always hoped that it will be my case as well.
During my first trimester I did everything as before. I was kayaking,…